Sunday, March 14, 2010

St Patty's Day Dash, Seattle

Right after Christmas a friend of mine mentioned to me that she was going to enter in the St Patty's Day Dash and she told me about a website which basically gave you the guildlines to go from couch to 5k in 8 weeks. And I was definately at the couch level in running abilities. It had been...oh....about 5 1/2 years since I laced up my running shoes up for an actual run. My level of intensity in exercise was about equivelant to a brisk walk to the park. But, hey! I decided I was up for the challenge. I was blessed to have 2 other people in my life who decided to do this run with me. During the week I ran twice with Melissa...and then once on the weekends with Alexis. I have to say it was so much fun to see that we could actually make progress and a couple weeks before the run we were all able to make the 3.8 miles that would be required from us on the race day.

So here are some pics of our big day. For some, this may seem like a small accomplishment, but it was pretty exciting for us. Our only goal was to actually run the whole thing....and we did it! to figure out which race is next =0)!!!!


Jason & Kristen said...

good work! You inspire me to be better about getting to the gym..what is the website by the way?

Glenda said...

Good job, Melis! You ROCK!!!!

Shelley Heck said...

That is so awesome Melissa!!! Cute pictures! What a great memory. Which race is next??? =)